Where do grants come from?
Most grants received by individuals or companies installing electric vehicle chargepoints on their premises come from two sources: The Office for Low Emission Vehicles (OLEV) funded by the UK Government or The Energy Saving Trust (EST) funded by the Scottish Government. This week, EST secured further funding for their domestic charge point grant which has allowed them to reopen to new applications. So here are all the things you need to know.
Where do I start?
Firstly, similar to OLEV, EST have two separate lists of approved installers depending on whether they are accredited on the Electric Vehicle Homecharge Scheme (EVHS) or the Workplace Charging Scheme (WCS). The only difference is whether the install is at a home or commercial premises and these lists can be readily accessed through the EST website. As an individual, you should look for an installer who is EVHS accredited.
What could I be entitled to?
The domestic grant will remain capped at £300, with a new £100 supplement now available for installs at a rural (category 8) postcode defined by the Scottish Government. As per the previous scheme, the amount awarded is based on the quote balance after the OLEV grant has been deducted. All other conditions of the scheme remain the same and can be accessed through the EST website.
How do I access the grant?
If you think you are eligible and you intend to install a domestic EV chargepoint, you can start your application by visiting https://cpsgrants.est.org.uk/. The grant is offered on a first come, first served basis and the funding is not unlimited. Moreover, grant funding should be applied for before installation is started and only applies to domestic installations in Scotland. The application process has changed slightly to allow EST to request further documentation and for you to easily upload this onto the portal. You will have to provide proof of ownership, lease or future ownership/lease of a vehicle accredited by OLEV. Access is also possible for company cars users but additional documentation may be required from your employer. Most applications take around 8 days to process.

What does your installer need to do?
Accredited companies on either list must conform to clear, standardised processes set out by the EST in order to gain access to grant funding. These include stringent installation specifications, provision of detailed quote and invoice, regular performance monitoring and provision of sub-contractor information. You may find that your installer is insistent on a very prescriptive approach but we assure you that this is in your best interests to prevent any disputes over grant funding. If your installer is accredited then they will have access to extensive information and have a direct line of contact with EST, so they should know what needs to be done.
What happens if I am successful?
The grant is paid by reimbursement after the installation is complete and necessary paperwork has been submitted to EST. All offers must be claimed within 3 months or they will be withdrawn and reallocated. Extensions may be given for delays but the EST must be made aware of potential delays as soon as possible.
What about businesses or public sector entities?
At present non-public and public workplace schemes remain closed to new applications. We will make sure to inform you if this changes.
If you are interested in installing a chargepoint and would like to know more, call us on 0141 280 8890 or drop us an email at [email protected]. We know it can be a minefield at times but a member of our technical team will be happy to answer any questions you have.
We also have a variety of platforms available with extensive information about electric vehicles (brite-ev.com), EV chargepoints (evchargepoints.com) and EV accessories (briteaccessories.com).
Author – Iain McComish of evchargepoints.com
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